Dialogue Creator

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After dedicating significant time to lengthy projects, I felt a strong urge to quickly create something both cool and impactful. Over the past month, I have been intermittently learning Unreal Engine 5, participating in several mini-jams with friends, which turned out to be exceptionally enjoyable. One feature of Unreal Engine that captivated me is the Blueprint editor. Its visual approach to programming, using nodes and connections, is not only intuitive but also straightforward. This inspired me to adapt a similar node-based methodology for web development, specifically for building narrative structures.

As an enthusiast of non-linear storytelling, which allows narratives to branch out into endless possibilities, I recognize the complexity such stories entail. During a brainstorming session, my partner highlighted how writing game dialogues could be as demanding as crafting a novel—a notion I find to be accurate. One of my favorite game series, Mass Effect, is particularly notable for its richly woven world and intricate dialogues. This insight spurred me to think about the intricacies of dialogue flows at a granular level and the challenges faced by project managers and producers in tracking various interactions, characters, and languages.

With these challenges in mind, I developed the MVP of "Dialogue Flow Creator" within a 24-hour span. This tool empowers users to visually construct and manage dialogue flows through the following features:

  • Add Characters: Streamline the creation and management of characters in the dialogue.

  • Messages: Facilitate the writing and linking of dialogue exchanges between characters.

  • Conditional Branches (If Statements): Allow for the branching of dialogues based on player choices or specific conditions.

  • Random Nodes: Inject randomness into dialogues, enriching the dynamics of interactions.

Future enhancements I am considering include:

  • User Accounts: Implementation is complete, using auth.js for authentication, with data persisting in a Postgres database via Prisma ORM.

  • Database Integration: Enhancing access and management by storing dialogue flows.

  • Advanced Node Features: Enabling seamless interaction with nodes for an enhanced user experience.

  • Export Mechanism: Offering capabilities to export dialogue flows directly into game engines like Unity, Unreal, or Godot.

I am eager to explore the potential of the Dialogue Flow Creator further and would appreciate any feedback or ideas. If you have suggestions or wish to contribute, please feel free to submit a pull request. Stay tuned for more updates as the development of this tool progresses.

Thank you for taking the time to explore my project. I hope you find the Dialogue Flow Creator as thrilling and valuable as I do.

Github Repository:DialogCreator

Latest commit: Updated ScreenshotView


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